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15+ Creative Partnership Ideas to Boost Customer Engagement and Sales

15+ Creative Partnership Ideas to Boost Customer Engagement and Sales July 2, 2024 Businesses of all types and industries are getting into the event business. They’re offering how-to demos, social gatherings, night outs, and a lot more. Best of all, they’re collaborating with some unlikely partners. Using a similar type of collaboration can help you…

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Are You Worried About Inflation?

Are You Worried About Inflation? June 10, 2024 For the past two years or so, it feels as if economists have been avoiding the words recession and inflation. No one wants to hear those terms. They’ve been pointing to economic equations and data to show we’re not “technically” in a recession because unemployment is low…

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25 Ways to Grow Your Email List

25 Ways to Grow Your Email List April 19, 2024 If you want to remain top-of-mind with your customers (as well as nurture people who are interested in your business, but not yet buying from you), you need to be able to stay in touch. While social media may seem like a good first step,…

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9 Success Strategies for Young Businesses

9 Success Strategies for Young Businesses November 27, 2023 Launching a business is a thrilling journey filled with possibilities and challenges. While no year is without challenges, the first few are particularly so for most businesses. Many naive owners think that if they can make it through the first year, their success is guaranteed. However,…

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Should I Use AI for My Business?

Should I Use AI for My Business? November 14, 2023 AI is certainly the “Belle of the Ball” these days but it’s also coming under scrutiny. It can save businesses a lot of time, but many professionals are afraid of what the adoption might mean. Is it right for you and your business? First, unless…

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10 Steps to Perfecting Your Business Offer

10 Steps to Perfecting Your Business Offer September 5, 2023 Ever notice how some offers are irresistible? You didn’t even know you needed the product or service. Then you saw the offer, and BANG!, you’re whipping out your credit card. This isn’t by accident. Someone down the line carefully created the offer that caused you…

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What in the World Does a Chamber of Commerce Do?

What in the World Does a Chamber of Commerce Do? August 29, 2023 If you walked into a crowded room and asked the question in the title of this article, what would you expect to hear?   The chamber of commerce is like the government, right? No, it keeps track of business complaints. No, they’re…

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The Halo Effect: a Cheap and Easy Way to Improve Your Branding

The Halo Effect: a Cheap and Easy Way to Improve Your Branding August 7, 2023 Have you ever heard the phrase, “You are the company you keep?” It has good and bad ramifications, doesn’t it? It’s often applied to young people and their friends. But did you know this “Halo Effect” influences customers as well?…

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Unlocking LinkedIn’s Potential for Business Growth

Unlocking LinkedIn’s Potential for Business Growth July 24, 2023 Do you think of LinkedIn as something to be used solely by job seekers? While the world’s largest professional network is widely recognized as a platform for job seekers and recruiters to connect, that’s not all it can do. Its potential goes far beyond job hunting.…

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